Friday, October 19, 2007

Singing -- what's it all about?

Singing is fun. Singing in a quartet, especially so. Singing in a large group can be enjoyable, but nothing beats the thrill of four guys finding that perfect blend, balance, and tuning that makes your hair stand on end. One guy put it like this:
That last chord, I just didn't want to let go! It was so sweet!
What makes a cappella singing such a kick? There's something visceral about music. It's more than an intellectual appreciation for the beauty of the melody and harmony, more than the emotional tug of a well-crafted lyric, more than the artistic expression of thoughts in rhyme and rhythm. A good song, well sung, will touch you deep in your innermost being. It will lift you to heights of joy, or bring a lump to your throat and a tear to your eye. And sharing that feeling with three other like-minded guys just amplifies the experience. Being a part of producing that reaction in others brings a fulfillment found in few other pastimes.

That's why I sing. How about you?

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